October 21 - November 8
There is still time to donate! We have extended the online donation option through November 8.
We are currently at 51% of our fundraising goal. Without the help of families, the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) will be forced to cut important programs that the PTA sponsors, including school field trips for every grade, General School Assistants (critical staff for our students in the classrooms, playground, and around the school), Science and Heritage fairs, and Spirit Wear for all students. The PTA currently spends $500 per student each school year. If you have not already done so, please donate to the school to support our students and school community
Clyde Hill Elementary families and friends can contribute to our school community through time and money. Everything the PTA does: providing extra educator support (General School Assistants), school events, field trips and more are made possible by generous donations by families and friends as well as volunteering time.
The cost to provide programs and events costs approximately $500 per student. Please support our school during Raise the Paw!
More educator support means more support for all children. And we can't support our students without participation from families.
The PTA has paid for 25% of the General School Assistants ("GSAs") for the 2024-25 school year. GSAs help throughout the school and in the classrooms. Our amazing GSAs are an amazing asset to our school and the special connections they make with students is priceless.
Return your envelopes
and a decorated paw!
Raise the Paw and donate today.
On Friday, October 18 your child will bring home an envelope, paw to decorate, and donation form for the PTA Annual Fund “Raise the Paw” campaign.
Raise the Paw Rundown:
Oct 18: Envelopes sent home in backpacks
Oct 21: First day to return paws and envelopes to school. Class competition begins!
Oct 25: PTA’s Trunk or Treat event (evening) and Mod Pizza Fundraiser!
Oct 28 – Nov 1: Spirit Week!
Nov 1: Last day to return envelopes for classroom competition!
Why Do We Need to Raise Money?
The PTA spends approximately $500 per student to provide extra staff, curriculum enhancement and events. Raise the Paw is a low-cost direct donation envelope campaign.
Raise the Paw is the PTA’s biggest fundraiser of the year!
Raise the Paw relieves pressure on spring Walk-A-Thon fundraising.
100% of money raised enhances the education of every child at Clyde Hill Elementary.
How Do We Participate?
Find the envelope in your child’s backpack on Friday, October 18.
Decide your donation amount, decorate the paw and return with your envelope to school between October 21-November 1. You can also donate time! Our PTA is only possible due to time donated by families.
PTA will display the decorated paws at school to create a visual representation of the success of the campaign.
You can donate online or with check (make check payable to: Clyde Hill Elementary PTA).
What Should I Donate?
To fund programs, additional staff, and curriculum enrichment that our PTA currently subsidizes, we need to raise $500 per child. $500 is the amount we need to raise per student this year.
The PTA understands that not every family can donate $500 per child, but please return your paw and envelope, even if no donation is included. Every returned envelope counts toward the fun classroom competition and prize drawing! DONATIONS ARE CONFIDENTIAL
Don’t forget to check if your company has a program that matches donations.
Community and Fun!
Our goal is to have every envelope returned by November 1. Each year we set a goal to have at least 80% of envelopes returned to school – let’s do it again this year!
The classroom from each grade with the highest return rate of envelopes, not donation money, will win a prize! Help your child’s class win!
Any class with 100% envelopes returned will win a party!
Last year we raised over $100,000, with matching, and hope to do the same this year.
What happens if we don’t reach our goal?
Failure to meet our fundraising goal will result in tough cuts to programs and services that benefit all our children.
How do matching gifts work?
If your employer matches donations made to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, your donation could be doubled, or even tripled! Please submit your matching gift request online through your corporate intranet.
*Microsoft employees can request a match through https://aka.ms/give. Add your student’s name in the “Comments for Cause” field when completing the matching form.”
The Clyde Hill PTA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our Federal Tax ID number is: 91-6060401. All gifts to the Annual Fund are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
*Extra envelopes and paws are located in the main office.
Visit the PTA website for more details: https://www.clydehillpta.org/raisethepaw
Questions? fundraising@clydehillpta.org
Giving is not just about make a donation it’s about making a difference.