October 21 - November 8
There is still time to donate! We have extended the online donation option through November 8.
We are currently at 51% of our fundraising goal. Without the help of families, the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) will be forced to cut important programs that the PTA sponsors, including school field trips for every grade, General School Assistants (critical staff for our students in the classrooms, playground, and around the school), Science and Heritage fairs, and Spirit Wear for all students. The PTA currently spends $500 per student each school year. If you have not already done so, please donate to the school to support our students and school community
Clyde Hill Elementary families and friends can contribute to our school community through time and money. Everything the PTA does: providing extra educator support (General School Assistants), school events, field trips and more are made possible by generous donations by families and friends as well as volunteering time.
The cost to provide programs and events costs approximately $500 per student. Please support our school during Raise the Paw!
More educator support means more support for all children. And we can't support our students without participation from families.
The PTA has paid for 25% of the General School Assistants ("GSAs") for the 2024-25 school year. GSAs help throughout the school and in the classrooms. Our amazing GSAs are an amazing asset to our school and the special connections they make with students is priceless.
Return your envelopes
and a decorated paw!
Raise the Paw and donate today.
100% 的家庭參與
Clyde Hill PTA 計劃和組織各種活動和計劃,使我們學校的所有學生和家長受益。由於 Clyde Hill 小學的家人和朋友通過兩個主要籌款活動慷慨捐贈,PTA 年度基金為所有這些項目支付了費用:
Envelope Drive(11 月 1 日至 12 日)和 Walk-A-Thon(2021 年春季)。
2020-2021 學年的目標是提高180,000 美元.為實現這一目標,我們要求 100% 的家庭參與年度基金捐贈。我們需要您的支持。
您可以在下面找到有關 PTA 如何使用您的捐款的更多詳細信息。
不幸的是,州和地區在基本教育計劃和教師課堂支持方面的資金存在缺口。它留給我們參與的家長社區來彌補資金短缺。您的 Clyde Hill PTA 帶頭努力籌集資金,為我們的孩子提供更好、更全面的教育。
請給你最好的能力!支付所有豐富計劃費用的資金,我們出色的支持人員相當於每年 180,000 美元.大於或小於我們每位學生要價 410 美元的禮物總是被接受和讚賞,並直接支持您孩子在 Clyde Hill 的教育體驗。
您可以隨時捐款!完成捐款表格 並將其連同開具“Clyde Hill PTA”的支票一起帶到學校,然後將連同支票的表格交回學校總辦公室或寄送至:
克萊德山小學 PTA,
9601 東北第 24 街
華盛頓州克萊德山 98004
我們的年度基金每年都會在 11 月啟動 Envelope Drive。這是我們今年最大的籌款活動!點擊這裡了解更多信息。
在春天,我們有一個非常有趣的步行馬拉松!請繼續關注 2021 年初的更多詳細信息。
如果您的雇主匹配對 501(c)(3) 非營利組織的捐款,您的捐款可能會增加一倍,甚至三倍!請通過公司內部網在線提交您的匹配禮品請求。
*Microsoft 員工可以通過 https://aka.ms/give 請求匹配。填寫匹配表格時,在“原因評論”字段中添加您學生的姓名。”
Clyde Hill PTA 是一個 501(c)(3) 非營利組織。我們的聯邦稅號是:91-6060401。在法律允許的範圍內,向年度基金提供的所有禮物都可以免稅。